
Product Data Management

SOLIDWORKS® Data Management solutions offer a range of applications with capabilities for quickly and efficiently managing data files and documentation to maximize productivity and improve product quality.


SOLIDWORKS Product Data Management (PDM) solutions help you get your design data under control and substantially improve the way your teams manage and collaborate on product development. With SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional (previously known as SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM) enables your teams to:

  • Securely store and index design data for fast retrieval.

  • Eliminate concerns about version control and data loss.

  • Share and collaborate on designs with people inside and outside the organization in multiple locations.

  • Create an electronic workflow to formalize, manage, and optimize development, document approval, and engineering change processes.

Learn more: SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard
Learn more: SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional

Video: First Look at SOLIDWORKS Product Data Management



Manage your data files and documentation to maximize productivity and improve product quality. SOLIDWORKS® PDM enables your teams to securely store and index design data for fast retrieval, eliminate concerns over version control and data loss, and collaborate on designs in multiple locations.

Why Choose SOLIDWORKS Manage?

SOLIDWORKS® Manage is an advanced, record-based data management system that extends the global file management and application integrations enabled by SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional to include a comprehensive set of capabilities that you can use and distribute to many areas of your business.


  • Saves time searching with a secure centralized location for all design documents and utilization of configurable search cards which make it easy to enter search criteria.
  • Controls access to data so the right users have access at the right time based on where a file is in the approval process.
  • Effective version control helps avoid rework and scrap caused by working from the outdated versions of 3D models and drawings .
  • Enables remote design locations to receive real-time updates on design changes coupled with automatic notifications.
  • Avoids having to spend time looking for or recreating documents that have been, moved, renamed, misplaced, or mistakenly deleted by unauthorized users.


Advantages of SOLIDWORKS PDM

SOLIDWORKS Data Management solutions enable complete control over all design information, eliminating concerns about version control or data loss. Files are securely stored and can be quickly retrieved using a variety of search attributes, such as part number, description, or workflow status. Collaboration and data reuse are promoted reducing duplicate files and redundant work. Design processes are easily followed and with increased efficiency. You get more opportunity to innovate and improve products, and stop spending time searching for files and worrying about manufacturing having the right design information.

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