Choose the appropriate course, or courses, using the information provided on our Training Course page.
Telephone us on 0121 544 1400 to confirm the course availability, once a date has been agreed, a place on the course will be provisionally booked for you. This will remain provisional until receipt of the Training Course Booking Form and a purchase order or cheque to confirm the booking.
In order to confirm all provisional bookings, we will require either a purchase order or alternatively a cheque along with your Training Course Booking form. If you submit a purchase order, you will receive an invoice for the required sum and payment is due by return.
All prices stated are subject to VAT at the current rate. All prices include courseware where applicable.
SOLID Applications Ltd. reserve the right to cancel the enrolment of any delegate for whom payment has not been received one week prior to the start of the course. In such circumstances our standard cancellation terms will apply.
SOLID Applications Ltd. reserves the right to cancel a course:
Through any circumstance beyond its control
Through any circumstances deemed by SOLID Applications Ltd. to affect its ability to provide training to the normal standard
If it does not attract the minimum number of delegates
In such circumstances, delegates will be given the maximum possible notice and offered enrolment on the next available course.
Courses are scheduled on demand and the frequency of any course will reflect that demand.
When a confirmed booking has been accepted by SOLID Applications Ltd. and is subsequently cancelled or transferred to a later course at the request of the customer, SOLID Applications Ltd. reserves the right to apply the charges set out below:
Where the request is received in writing |
Cancellation |
Transfer to later course |
More than five weeks before commencement |
No charge |
No charge |
Three or Four weeks before commencement |
25% of fee |
No charge |
One or Two weeks before commencement |
100% of fee |
50% of fee |