All versions of KeyShot work with both PC and Mac. You have options for single user license or floating license Lab packs. All Lab packs contain KeyShotVR and all licenses are good for 365 days from registration.
KeyShot for Education is available for full-time students and staff members / faculty of accredited academic institutions. All we need is a copy of your Student ID, Class Schedule, Faculty Pay Stub or any other proof.
KeyShot for Education comes as either KeyShot + Animation for the standalone user or KeyShot Pro (Floating) for lab or classroom use. To find out more about the two versions, please click here...
With SOLIDWORKS licenses in active use in schools, colleges and universities in the UK, SOLIDWORKS is the dominant 3D design tool in Education.
Educational establishments can take advantage of the full suite of SOLIDWORKS tools, design, simulation and testing, communication and data management. Starting with a classroom pack of 20 licenses through to thousands of floating licenses, student will get the benefit of being able to use SOLIDWORKS in the classroom or lab, as well as at home on their personal laptop or computer.
The complete 3D design teaching tool provides software plus a full curriculum and interactive courseware. SOLIDWORKS Education Edition is your all-inclusive resource for teaching 3D mechanical CAD, design validation, and data management.
SOLIDWORKS Education Edition integrates SOLIDWORKS Premium software, providing capabilities for 3D design, simulation, sustainability, documentation, and analysis, with a real world, standards-based curriculum and industry-recognized assessment. The Education Edition provides the tools students need to transform their ideas using 21st century technologies to create models, drawings, photorealistic renderings, and animations. SolidWorks tools are simple for educators and students to learn and use, from elementary school through high school to the college and university level. Students can focus on learning the principles of engineering to design, communicate, and visualize their creations take shape, and feel the excitement as they prepare for future employment. Outside the classroom, they can further hone their design skills through the SolidWorks Student Access Initiative.
If the establishment invests in less than 100 licences, included within the subscription is the opportunity to allow students to use SOLIDWORKS Standard on their personal computer. The establishment is able to have as many activations of this software as they require.
With all campus licences, students can get access to the full range of SOLIDWORKS Premium for design and SOLIDWORKS Simulation Premium, Flow/CFD and Sustainability modules for analysis. This is the perfect design solution for all students.
SOLIDWORKS Student Edition combines SOLIDWORKS Premium software with powerful simulation and design validation software, giving students access to best-in-class design tools to help sharpen job-ready skills and empower creative design inside and outside the classroom.
With the SOLIDWORKS University Research License, researchers can access the latest in engineering technology, while communicating with other researchers and industrial users around the world.
The Academic Research License (ARL) has no restrictions for use in publications, industry-funded projects, and patent applications. It doesn't contain the educational watermark, and follows the same release schedule as the commercial version of SOLIDWORKS.
To find out more about whats included in SOLIDWORKS Education Edition, please click here...