SOLIDWORKS Tech Tip: Intro to Sheet Metal

How do you create your sheet metal parts? Are you aware that SOLIDWORKS has an entire…

Changes to System Requirements for SOLIDWORKS 2016

With the release of SOLIDWORKS 2016, users and IT departments need to be aware that the…

Simulation Training videos now available at MySolidWorks

MySolidWorks is your one place for all things SOLIDWORKS – making you more productive by connecting…

SOLIDWORKS Support Monthly News – October 2015

Welcome to this new edition of the SOLIDWORKS Support Monthly News, coauthored by members of the…

SOLIDWORKS 2016 SP0 is now available to download

This release of SOLIDWORKS and SOLIDWORKS PDM, is now available to Subscription Service customers. To download, click here. Alternatively log…

SOLIDWORKS Tech Tip: UI Customisation

Knowing where things are just makes the day go by a little smoother – ever been…

Spotlight on Features: Why can I not edit linked to file blocks?

You edit a block and get the following message: So, why can I not edit linked…

SOLIDWORKS Tech Tip: Power Trim (3 quick tips you might not know)

I bet you use Power Trim on a regular basis. But I ask you this –…

How to change the SQL password for the EPDM Archive & Database services

If you get the following error, it’s possible that he SQL password that EPDM uses to…

SOLIDWORKS support for Microsoft Windows 10

On 29th July 2015, Microsoft released its latest Operating System, Windows 10. However it is always…

Spotlight on Features: Why one of the assembly drawing view component does not update when I change configurations?

You create an assembly with some configured parts, in this assembly you also create some parts…

Quickly view feature dependencies in SOLIDWORKS

To quickly view feature dependencies, you can display graphical relationships between items in the FeatureManager design…