Everyone loves the opportunity to get a sneak peek at new functionality in development. In fact, this topic is so popular that the 2019 edition of the Technology Preview Skit found a new home at SOLIDWORKS World to better facilitate both the LIVE and ONLINEaudiences.
We wanted to be FIRST to break the news on some of the incredible new functionality that our developers are working hard to deliver in the SOLIDWORKS 2020 release. The team received just enough broadcasting and journalism training to create the SOLIDWORKS NEWS NETWORK, anchored by hosts Mark Barrow, Megan Duane, and newcomer Michael Steeves.
They begin the broadcast with a breaking weather update from Mark Schneider who is caught in a polar vortex and not very pleased with his situation.
Needing to update his weather reporting equipment, Mark takes users through a redesign of his anemometer, making it easier to hold in the 40+ MPH winds.
Torsion control in splines:
- Users can now add G3 continuity or a constant rate of curvature constraint to splines in a sketch
Section View Normal to Screen:
- Users can now create a Section View normal to the screen
- Outside of the command, the Section View updates with rotation of the model but is not affected by zooming
- Section View depth is controlled with the mouse scroll wheel and CTRL key
Returning to the SNN news desk, Michael commiserates on Mark’s uncomfortable situation with some comfort food, much to the disbelief of his co-hosts.
In the spirit of “The news must go on,” Megan Duane delivers her editorial on a topic that weighed heavily on much of the audience:
Propagate Envelope Components to sub-assemblies:
- Users can now select components of multiple sub-assemblies as envelope references in specific sub-assemblies
Mass Proprieties in SOLIDWORKS Routing:
- Properties for wires, cables, and coverings can now include a mass per unit length property which provide accurate, real-time mass property updating
Following Megan’s editorial, Mark Barrow reminds us all that February is half over and March is right around the corner! Sheep shearing, wait, Feature Madness time, which means Jeremy Regnerus is up next with Sports.
Running his Sports report from a dashboard, Jeremy shares the value the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform brings to the entire SNN News Team. He proceeds to show how users can leverage new apps on the platform as part of their workflow while he designs a new TV remote that is much more user-friendly, something all sports enthusiasts need.
- SOLIDWORKS xShape is the 3D subdivision modelling tool on the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform
- SOLIDWORKS xDesign is a browser-based 3D parametric modeling tool on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform
3DEXPERIENCE Platform Connector for SOLIDWORKS
- Allows seamless interoperability between SOLIDWORKS and 3DEXPERIENCE Platform apps
Back at the SNN news desk, Jeremy’s update has inspired Michael to “DIVE” in and share something relevant for the viewers after being challenged by Megan.
Mustering all his focus and talent, Michael delivers an update on how Spring Fever is sweeping the planet… especially with the enhancements in SOLIDWORKS 2020.
Flexible Parts:
- Parts can now be made Flexible in an assembly.
- Flexible Parts update automatically as their references change.
- Multiple instances of the same part handled without configurations, equations, or separate files.
Encouraged that the newest member of the team is finally contributing to the newscast, Mark moves into the next breaking story from Channel 3’s own investigating reporter, Yan Killy.
Yan has tracked down a senior developer at SOLIDWORKS who agreed to “anonymously” leak a big development coming in the next release.
Detailing Mode for Drawings:
- New option to open your largest, multi-sheet drawings in seconds
- Annoations, balloons, view creation, dimenions and tolerances are all available
- No separate files required
- Just hit save when finished; save as PDF and DWG available
Unfortunately, especially for Yan, the anonymity of his source was quickly revealed. True to Kurt’s warning, Yan quickly found himself “on ice,” but relying on his vast experience and technical abilities, he was able to send Mark the data for the final report.
Drawing Markups:
- Markups are now available in drawings using Windows touch-enabled devices
- Markups in Parts, Assemblies, and Drawings no longer require Windows touch-enabled devices
- Markups in Parts, Assemblies, and Drawings are now available in eDrawings
In addition to all the functionality previewed in this year’s edition, we should highlight that everything shown leveraged 3DEXPERIENCE Platform. Make a better choice than MILK and check out all the functionality that is available today including:
- Marketplace Make
- Drive
- Play
- xDesign
- Social Collaboration Services
As a reminder, everything shown during the LIVE presentation at SOLIDWORKS WORLD and shared in this blog is a TECHNOLOGY PREVIEW and new functionality is always changing until fully vetted and not guaranteed to be in the next release.
If you were unable to attend SOLIDWORKS World 2019 this year, you can watch the playback of the special breakout session with both the Model Mania winner announcements and the “What’s New” skit here.
Originally posted in the SOLIDWORKS Blog.