Thank you from SOLIDWORKS

Every year, we are eager to learn more about how you use SOLIDWORKS software and what we can do to help you innovate and design better products. When developing our software we follow one simple rule: You talk, we listen. In SOLIDWORKS 2015, this formula has resulted in more than 200 new enhancements with 90 percent of functionality directly resulting from customer feedback.

(Image courtesy of National Business Research Institute)

One of the most effective ways we gather your feedback is through our annual user survey. Over the past nine years, we’ve asked for your feedback about our software and services to help us provide you with the best-in-class SOLIDWORKS products. Your comments and suggestions from previous surveys have influenced new features and introduced products into our software suite. Need proof? Here are a few examples of new functionality that was added based directly on your input:

  • Introduced new Product Development workflows through tools such as SOLIDWORKS Model Based Definition and SOLIDWORKS Treehouse 
  • Integrated capabilities to accelerate manufacturing such a 3D push-to-print capabilities and new SOLIDWORKS Costing support for sensors and costing of weldments, plastic/cast parts, machined casting and 3D printed parts
  • Reduced files sizes by 50% by faster component patterning
  • Increased Subscription Service value with MySolidWorks online training and support

This year, we reduced the number of questions in our annual survey by more than 30%, See? We even listen to your feedback on our feedback survey. Keep an eye on your email Inbox, you will receive an email inviting you to participate in the annual survey. If you’re looking for more ways to chime in on our product development, sign up for MySolidWorks to get access to our surveys, eLearning, and new product updates.

We’re looking forward to hearing for you.

Originally posted by Gian Paolo Bassi, CEO of Dassault Systèmes SOLIDWORKS in the SOLIDWORKS Blog.

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