Changes to System Requirements for SOLIDWORKS 2015

With the release of SOLIDWORKS 2015, users and IT departments need to be aware that the…

You Can Clean Up with 3D Views in SOLIDWORKS 2015

Many of us are using DimXpert today to define products in 3D space, instead of 2D…

Tip: Use Design Checker to find dangling dimensions

So you’ve updated your drawing after making significant changes to the model, and now you have…

SOLIDWORKS 2015 Manager Showcase: What’s New in Electrical

The SOLIDWORKS annual release starts with feedback provided by you, our community, and finds its way…

SOLIDWORKS 2015 Manager Showcase: What’s New in Plastics

The SOLIDWORKS annual release starts with feedback provided by you, our community, and finds its way…

Use DriveWorksXpress to Automate your Design Process

Use DriveWorksXpress to automate your design process. Generate infinite variations of a model from a rules-based…

SOLIDWORKS 2015 Manager Showcase: What’s New in Assemblies

The SOLIDWORKS annual release starts with feedback provided by you, our community, and finds its way…

SOLIDWORKS 2015 Manager Showcase: What’s New in Inspection

The SOLIDWORKS annual release starts with feedback provided by you, our community, and finds its way…

SOLIDWORKS 2015 Manager Showcase: What’s New in EPDM

The SOLIDWORKS annual release starts with feedback provided by you, our community, and finds its way…

SOLIDWORKS 2015 Product Manager Showcase: What’s New in Simulation

The SOLIDWORKS annual release starts with feedback provided by you, our community, and finds its way…

Stop losing money redesigning existing parts!

Just imagine the overwhelming feeling a CFO or Operations executive would go through when they discover…

DimXpert and Copy Scheme for Configurations

When designing models in SOLIDWORKS I often use configurations to create multiple derivations of a product. …