Xpress Tools – DriveWorks Xpress

DriveWorksXpress is the easy to use, Rules-based Design Automation tool for SOLIDWORKS Engineers.

Use DriveWorksXpress to automate your design process. Generate infinite variations of a model from a rules-based project you set up once and run again and again.

2014-06-CT---Xpress-Tools---DriveWorks-XpressAutomate your design process with DriveWorksXpress

  • Capture and re-use design knowledge to save time and money.
  • Incorporate design rules to minimize errors and the cost of manual mistakes.
  • Automate repetitive tasks to dramatically reduce design time when specifying new variants.
  • Liberate design engineers from repetitive tasks to concentrate on new and special designs.
  • Generate variations quickly and easily based on rules you create.
  • DriveWorks Xpress in included in every version of SOLIDWORKS.

This SOLID Applications quick tip video shows how DriveWorks Xpress can be used to automate your model and drawing creation, using a set of pre-defined rules.

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