With over 8 million downloads worldwide, DraftSight is a powerful, professional-grade 2D CAD product providing architects, engineers, and construction service providers (AEC), as well as professional CAD users with a robust and reliable design experience. Even students, educators and CAD hobbyists use DraftSight to create, edit and view their native DWG files.
You will find a user-friendly interface in DraftSight with no learning curve if you’re transitioning from other popular 2D CAD software tools. Whether you use DraftSight, DraftSight Professional or DraftSight Enterprise, you can start designing and documenting right away.
New Selection Methods – Isolate, hide or search for entities in your drawings
Find similar entities with SelectMatching. Show or hide parts of your drawing with the IsolateEntities and HideEntities commands. The IsolateLayers command has been improved with a new option to fade and lock remaining layers.
You can now quickly hide or isolate entities and revert back to normal with unisolate. Efficiently select all entities based on their common shared properties such Layer, LineColor, Name, etc. To hide an object, first type “HIDEENTITIES” in the command window. Then, in the Graphic Window, +box select all the entities you would like to hide temporarily and press ENTER. To unhide objects, type “UNISOLATEENTITIES” in the command window and press ENTER; everything will revert back to normal
The new DraftSight 2016 has many great improvements that are for ALL Free, Professional and Enterprise level users. The new enhancements improve user efficiency and productivity when creating a new project or editing an existing drawing. In addition, this new release has been improved for faster performance especially when zooming, regenerating and panning in the model. This video provides a quick overview of the new DraftSight 2016 features and commands in 4 major areas:
– User Interface
– Visibility & Selection
– Layer Management
– Annotation
DraftSight 2016 features faster performance, advanced customization and annotation capabilities to increase your productivity.
Download DraftSight 2016 today and see how you can be more successful in creating any kind of 2D drawing.
Originially posted in the SOLIDWORKS Tech Blog.