How do you create organic and stylized surfaces? Are you aware that SOLIDWORKS has an entire tool set dedicated to advanced surface design? Working with surface bodies is in many respects similar to working with solid bodies, and creating basic surface features such as: extrudes, revolves, sweeps, and lofts works almost identically as the solid features do. Here’s my challenge to you – I want you to pick one of the ‘advanced specialist’ tool sets in SOLIDWORKS: Sheet Metal, Weldments, Surfacing, Mold Tools, or Drawing Tools, and I want to you begin a new journey. Think outside of your daily routines, and be the best SOLIDWORKS user you can be!
To learn more about SOLIDWORKS Surfacing, head over to MySolidWorks and check out the Introduction to Surfacing training module. Good luck! As always, thanks for reading and happy learning!
Originally posted by Rachel Diane York in the SOLIDWORKS Tech Blog.